It is wise for a student to choose the style of lecture notetaking, which suits the subject and the set of mind of the student best. This article will introduce you to the styles of lecture notetaking.

Most of us prefer taking notes in a linear and simple manner, just writing down briefly what the professor says, breaking the text into paragraphs and bullet point lists, and highlighting the main ideas. We rarely go into anything more elaborate.

However, this is not the only existing method of lecture notetaking. Another method, which is helpful for taking lecture notes, is called Cornell method. It involves not only the process of taking notes, but also working with lecture notes after the class.

How does Cornell Method Work?

To use this method of lecture notetaking, the student has to divide the page into two columns, the notetaking one and the one for questions and keywords. Several lines, approximately five or seven, should be left blank at the bottom of the page for the summary.

During lecture notetaking, the student puts notes into the notetaking column. It is better to use short sentences, emphasize the most important ideas, use abbreviations or symbols. The column, designed for questions or keywords, is filled out after the lesson. The student is supposed to read through lecture notes, and write down the keywords summarizing the notes, or the questions arising in one’s mind in connection with the lecture notes.

After doing this part, students are suggested to cover up the column with notes and try to recall what they have put down, using the column with keywords and questions as a guide. They can work through the notes either verbally or in writing, by saying or putting on paper all they can remember. After that lecture notes can be uncovered, and the student can see whether he recalled the information correctly. Later, the summary of the notes can be written in the corresponding section below.

The advantages of this lecture notetaking style are as follows:

  • students are consciously involved in lecture notetaking process;
  • the information they put down on paper is not random and is well-organized;
  • keywords and questions students come up with make them analyze the information received;
  • recalling what notes said is an effective memory exercise, making students remember the information for longer;
  • a concise summary of lecture notes is convenient for test preparation.

Are There Any Other Styles of Lecture Notetaking?

The lecture notetaking method described above is considered to be effective, but it is not the only creative style of taking notes. Students, who are inclined to drawing and who remember the information conveyed through images better, can use the method of taking notes called “mind mapping". It is a visual form of lecture notetaking, and students basically have to draw their notes. They put the main idea of the lesson in the center of the page and draw other ideas around it, making connections between them. Some students acknowledge that this style of taking notes satisfies their learning needs. However, others say, that they can miss the significant points of the lesson, when they are too busy drawing.

Now that you are aware of the existing ways of taking notes, you will be able to choose the most favorable one for your studies.